Well the day started out to be very crappy weather so while walking through the rain to the tube station, without an umbrella even though I had one in my bag (it is just too annoying to try to deal with the umbrella not flipping the wrong way that I'd rather just put my head down and go) I sang to myself, "It's a horrible day in the neighborhood, it's a horrible day in the neighborhood."
Then it cleared up and we went over to what we call the other photo house because it is where the next largest group of photogs live together. On the way there we walked down Edgware Road that is very heavily middle eastern. Apparently it was the last night of Ramadan and everyone was out and about. It was kind of crazy but very interesting to be in and see. On our walk home I took a few pictures but after they realized that I was shooting them they all became posed pictures. Above is one that was shot before everyone realized there was a camera around. They were dancing on the sidewalk of a very busy road to music being played from the car.
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