Sunday, 16 November 2008
End of the Line - Zone 9 Chesham

Luxury Choreos

For those of you who don't know what a Choreo is:
Blend up Oreo's until they're all in little pieces
Add cream cheese and blend again until the consistency is of a VERY thick milkshake
Then form them into little balls and put them in the freezer for a couple of hours
Remove from freezer to dip them in melted milk chocolate then put them in the fridge
To do the Luxury version:
When done with the milk chocolate return to the freezer for about an hour
Melt white chocolate (if done too much it will burn-we found out the hard way)
Then drizzle the melted white chocolate on top of everything and put them in the fridge
Thursday, 13 November 2008
Please disregard the 11 internship applications I sent out with a typo in the cover letter.
Funsies at the British Museum
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Chocolate Factory
Sunday, 12 October 2008
Saturday, 11 October 2008
Camden Passage via Little Venice

Camden passage market had a bunch of little stalls sporadically set up outside in an area where there are a bunch of antique shops. The picture of the lady reading the newspaper is one of the VERY small shops at Camden passage. There is only room for one person in the place it was just jammed packed. Then on the way back to the tube I walked by this couple trying doing some shopping. It was kind of funny to watch. I wish I could remember the phrase the woman used to tell her husband that he shouldn't purchase one of the ties he was holding up.
"Levin in London"
Thursday, 9 October 2008
Shady Debating

Monday, 6 October 2008
Resumes, Cover Letters and Crossed Fingers
That is what I spent my time doing on this gloomy day. I think I have about 11 or 12 to post tomorrow. Real exciting stuff today.
Sunday, 5 October 2008
The No-Jew seeing Jewish walking tour

Well today there was a Jewish walking tour of the East End of London. Since I am thinking that I might do a project of the cross section of religion in London I thought it just might be a great thing to go to and perhaps meet some people, maybe some Jews. But no, it was more of a historic Jewish walking tour. I was told that pretty much most of the Jews have moved to Ilford. So why didn't we go to Ilford you say? Well Ilford doesn't have the oldest Synagogue in England there. The synagogue in the first picture is just that, the oldest in England built over 300 years ago. We were able to go in but not to take pictures inside, of course (something I find so annoying). From there we continued on our rain filled walk to a place that would have been something like we would call project for Jews just outside of the London walls. But you can see how close they really are to the heart of London with the Mayor's office, which he doesn't really use in the background. Then we proceeded to Angel Alley.
I was slightly disappointed that I didn't see any orthodox Jews or anything like you would see in some places in New York City. Not that I haven't seen them and went on the trip just to see them like I would go to the zoo to see a penguin but it just wasn't what I thought it would be. So now I know I won't be going there for my project if I end up doing it and including the Jewish religion.

Friday, 3 October 2008
All the ducks are swimming in the water....

but not this one. Will, Stef and I went to Borough Market. It is an all food market. For a very picky vegetarian it is probably an odd place to go. Although I don't like meat I am kind of fascinated by seeing the dead animals. I don't know why but even when people in the flat were cutting up a whole chicken I just had to stop what I was doing and watch. It just seems like a weird interest of a vegetarian.
Deck the Walls
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
Charlie, the explosive sniffing dog

Won't you be my neighbour?

Well the day started out to be very crappy weather so while walking through the rain to the tube station, without an umbrella even though I had one in my bag (it is just too annoying to try to deal with the umbrella not flipping the wrong way that I'd rather just put my head down and go) I sang to myself, "It's a horrible day in the neighborhood, it's a horrible day in the neighborhood."
Then it cleared up and we went over to what we call the other photo house because it is where the next largest group of photogs live together. On the way there we walked down Edgware Road that is very heavily middle eastern. Apparently it was the last night of Ramadan and everyone was out and about. It was kind of crazy but very interesting to be in and see. On our walk home I took a few pictures but after they realized that I was shooting them they all became posed pictures. Above is one that was shot before everyone realized there was a camera around. They were dancing on the sidewalk of a very busy road to music being played from the car.
Monday, 29 September 2008
"He's photographed more than President Bush." - Royston Graham
Sunday, 28 September 2008
Bags, Shoes, and Leg Tattoos

Well Mum I got another tattoo. Troy Denning from Invisible Ink, NYC the happy face in the first picture is who tattooed me today. The three chairs in the second picture was what I laid across for nearly three hours for the wonderful results seen in the third picture. I think I will have a kink in my neck until Tuesday but it was worth it. For those hours all I saw were handbags, shoes and leg tattoos. I did notice if someone walked by a few times. I just had to laugh at myself for that. When it really started to hurt I thought of our quote board at home and it put a smile on my face. Especially Brad's quote he won't live down as long as he is a photographer, "He used a Leica, L-E-I-C-A?"
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Leake Street and London Tattoo Convention

Since I spent the better half of yesterday in bed sleeping and relaxing in an empty flat (it was wonderful) I figured I should get out and do something today. Lindsay and I went to a tunnel on Leake Street near the Waterloo station where graffiti isn't illegal to do. It was kind of neat to see the people doing their artwork. I wonder how often they go and who decides what can get painted over and when. Apparently Banksy has put his mark there somewhere. We think we saw it but I don't know. I didn't get any great shots but I am putting up a couple that I like.
After Leake Street we went our separate ways Lindsay having no desire whatsoever to go to a tattoo convention. So she traveled on to Camden and me to Tobacco Dock where the convention was. I was there for about 4 hours. Needless to say I am going back tomorrow in the hopes of actually getting a tattoo. I saw a few pretty famous guys there (like Joe Capobianco). I wish that Tiffany was there so we could talk about it and everything there is to see. It wasn't quite like I thought it would be but there were definitely a few characters to say the least.
Hair club for men

Well since we are now able to have internet pretty much anywhere in the flat we have repurposed the internet cafe (a.k.a. the kitchen) into an underground barber shop (a hair club for men, the first rule of hair club is you can't talk about hair club). After Juliette gave Andrew a haircut a week ago or so the rest of the guys got in on the action. David was the first then Taylor and Will, Levin fell asleep before it was his turn. I think I would like to relocate where the club meets in to the bathroom for the next go around just too much hair in the kitchen for me.
I just about cried

So I hung out with my friend Lindsay from the States today (September 24, I'm a little behind) she had some issues with the boyfriend so we went and did some retail therapy. I left her after we did some shopping on Oxford St. As I was walking home from the tube station I was thinking about how I wasn't in the greatest of moods either. Just things weren't going well and smoothly. Then I am like to houses away from mine and I see a dead pigeon in front of a door of another house. I pass it a few steps and am like well I should photograph it to illustrate how I was feeling and probably Lindsay as well. So I get out my camera and back track a few steps and I frame up the shot, not a very artistic one but you know. As I am looking through my view finder the pigeon kind of raises its head a little. I was like "Oh, geez it isn't dead." I shot a few more frames while it made a few other head movements. I felt horrible, I didn't know what to do, if there was anyone to call. But it was a horribly perfect end to a horrible day, I continued home almost in tears.
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
The best way to ruin a movie

Monday, 22 September 2008
Little Venice: There's a canal there, that's all

Sunday, 21 September 2008
INTERLUDE: I had a blast this summer

The minutes are counting UP!!!

Saturday, 20 September 2008
A bit of sensory overload
"Who told you to get on the bus?"

My "photo story" was a group of musicians from Zimbabwe on tour who were performing in a mall like area. Nothing great was shot and felt like more of a waste of time, sorry David.
We did get tickets to the Bath. The way it is set up I felt like I couldn't tell where I was in relationship to the actual water of the bath and there was so much modern construction in the "preservation" that is was not very cool at all. I just wish they would keep stuff they way they are and not add so much modern stuff to it. I think Dave said it best, "If the romans knew that their Baths had become a shopping mall..." I don't really need a projection and fake audio of people bathing as seen in a picture above with the people in white with towels.
The one place I did like in Bath was the Royal Cresent. The building was kind of neat but the best part was the park in front of it. It was quiet and not a zillion tourist. I sat there for a while watching a football match between some teenagers and people watching. That was the highlight of the day for me I would have to say. I don't know if that is good or bad.
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